Monthly Archives: May, 2014

Before and After a LASIK Surgery

LASIK is a corrective surgical procedure that reshapes a patient’s cornea to improve vision. This treatment may get rid of such conditions as near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. LASIK is known to be very effective, but not all patients can undergo the procedure. Those who are thinking of getting this treatment must first consider a few details. Continue reading →

LASIK in Durham, NC Among Methods That Help Restore Vision Among Obese

“There are different things people can do in order to help protect their eyes and delay age-induced cataracts. For one, eating food rich in lutein and vitamin A can help strengthen them. Wearing sunglasses and a hat can also protect them from too much sun, as can wearing a sunscreen on the eyelids.

More importantly, it is imperative that people have their eyes checked and- once diagnosed with cataracts- consider getting cataract surgery in Durham, NC. Ophthalmologists from reputable centers like North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat are trained to properly do LASIK surgery that can help correct vision immediately and without any stitches.”

Eye Doctor in Durham, NC Can Spot Eye Problems and Other Health Woes

“This is why it is important for people to take good care of their eyes. Eating foods rich in omega-3, lutein, and vitamin A can help fight off age-related eye problems. Wearing sunglasses and practicing good lifestyle choices (like quitting smoking and taking a rest from the computer after extended use) can also help people protect their eyes.

The best part is: you won’t have to go it alone. A trusted Durham eye doctor like one from North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat can diagnose eyesight problems and suggest methods that can help keep your eyes in good condition.”

Ophthalmologists: Lasik in Durham NC, all of USA Safe and Effective

Numerous ophthalmologists performing Lasik in Durham, NC and other US cities concur that the procedure is one of the safest and most effective treatments for correcting either nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) or astigmatism (fully-blurred vision).

Basically, diminished vision is caused by the cornea not effectively focusing the light which enters the eye to the retina, which then transfers the image to the brain for interpretation. During the surgery, the surgeon first creates a thin, hinged flap on the cornea using an instrument called a microkeratome (a precision surgical instrument with a spinning blade). He then pulls up the flap to expose the underlying corneal tissue. This gives way for the laser to reshape the cornea into a pattern pre-determined for each patient. It is then repositioned onto the underlying tissue again.

The Four Main Types of Refractive Errors

Do you have trouble reading objects from a distance or up-close? Then it is likely that you have a refractive error, a condition wherein the shape of your eye prevents sufficient light from focusing on your retina. Refractive errors come in one of four major types: myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, and astigmatism. You need to go to reliable eye doctors and get tested to get proper diagnosis. Continue reading →

Warning Signs of Cataracts Warrant a Visit to a Durham, NC Eye Doctor

Have you ever thought about how your eyes work? After all, sight is one of the most important senses the body uses; as such, it is important to do everything you can to maintain healthy eyesight.

People with cataracts often experience a “sunburst” or glare when looking at lights. This problem is more noticeable during the night. During the day, this problem may manifest as a sensitivity to light.

Cataracts are relatively easy to treat, especially when it is caught early. People above the age of 50 or those who have a higher-than-normal risk for cataracts should see an experienced eye doctor in Durham, NC like Dr. Marguerite J. Sullivan every year to have their eyes screened for cataracts.