Tag Archives: lasik surgery durham nc

What to Expect Before Getting LASIK Surgery

LASIK is a popular surgical procedure used to correct conditions that affect vision such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Almost all patients will gain their desired vision after the procedure. Also, while changes made to the cornea cannot be reversed, in most cases, patients have reduced or lost altogether their dependence on using eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Before scheduling a LASIK session, you have to meet with an eye surgeon who will discuss what to expect during and after it. An evaluation of your medical history will be performed along with a thorough examination of your eyes. These steps are needed to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. If you are wearing contact lenses, it is strongly advised that you do not wear them for at least three weeks before your evaluation.

At this point, you should also tell the doctor about the medicines you are currently taking (including over-the-counter products) and other medications that you might be allergic to. Take time to weigh the possible risks and benefits of undergoing the procedure, asking your eye doctor for input as needed.

Remember that the results of the LASIK procedure cannot be reversed. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor for detailed information about it.

Answers to Common Questions about LASIK Surgery

Most people are aware that LASIK surgery is a procedure that aims to restore a person’s efficient vision. However, some of its aspects are still unknown to most people. As such, here are the answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions regarding LASIK surgery: Continue reading →

All About Astigmatism

Does your vision blur no matter how near or far you are from an object or person? Do you often find yourself squinting trying to see well? Do you often experience eye strain or headaches, especially after reading or prolonged computer use? If you said yes to any of these questions, you may have astigmatism. Continue reading →

On Recovering after LASIK Surgery

Many people today assume that it’s all downhill when their eyesight begins to lose its usual sharpness. Fortunately, one does not have to resign himself or herself to to wearing spectacles just yet: LASIK surgery can help blurry-eyed patients recover their ailing vision.

The surgery, however, will render the patient’s eyes sensitive for an amount of time. It is important for these patients to properly take care of themselves and their eyes, or they risk losing what they had repaired at the hands of a reliable professional.

Here are some tips that can help patients recover post-LASIK surgery:

Be Careful Around Water

The eyes are still sensitive after the procedure it went through, so exposure to water may nullify (or worsen) their condition. Patients should not take a bath for a day after the procedure, nor should they get soap in their eyes.


LASIK surgery is not a procedure that affects physical function significantly, but it is important to be careful with certain activities. Exercise and swimming should not be done for a week. It is also important to avoid rubbing the eyes a month after the procedure, as tempting as it might be. Eye makeup must also be avoided for a week.

These steps will help ensure the success of the LASIK eye surgery, and will help people like you to live spectacle-free lives.

Before and After a LASIK Surgery

LASIK is a corrective surgical procedure that reshapes a patient’s cornea to improve vision. This treatment may get rid of such conditions as near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. LASIK is known to be very effective, but not all patients can undergo the procedure. Those who are thinking of getting this treatment must first consider a few details. Continue reading →

Why LASIK Surgery is a Good Long-Term Investment

Whether it is due to age, a hereditary disposition, or other circumstances, a person’s eyes can sometimes be compromised, affecting his vision. In the past, the common solution was using corrective or permanent glasses or using prescription contact lenses.

Fortunately, LASIK surgery has become available to people who nearsighted or farsighted, or are suffering from astigmatism. While not a new procedure, people still assume that LASIK surgery is very expensive. While not cheap either, the upfront investment for the procedure does pay off in the succeeding years, as the patient will experience the benefits of the surgery for years to come. These include:

  • The elimination of the long term costs of corrective eyewear. Thanks to the effectiveness of LASIK surgery, individuals who used to wear corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses no longer need to invest in glasses, disposable lenses, and cleaning and eye solutions.

  • Because there’s no need for corrective eyewear, there’s also no need to go through the inconvenience of wearing glasses and alternatively applying contact lenses when one wants to read, watch TV, play sports, or do just about any activity apart from sleeping.

  • LASIK surgery is a quick, non-invasive process, one that commonly generates very minimal pain. Vision is often immediately better a few weeks after the procedure, with minimal recovery time needed, and with no need to use bandages or stitches.

Breaking Down LASIK

Most people, patients and eye doctors alike, refer to “laser-assisted in situ Keratomileusis” as LASIK simply because the full term is a mouthful. Run a quick search on Google, however, and you’ll see that the four-word terminology for laser eye surgery contains three terms. Here’s a breakdown of what LASIK really means: Continue reading →

Are You Eligible for LASIK Surgery?

Your eyes’ natural lens used to change shape effortlessly when you were younger, allowing you to have optimum focus on objects. Consequently though, as you grew older, you may have to use reading glasses or other visual aids since your lens’ ability to adjust their shape has decreased. To correct your vision, a specially trained eye surgeon can fine-tune your eyes through LASIK surgery, but is this right for you?

Your job allows refractive surgery.
Always ask your employer or organization if they allow such a procedure. Some jobs, like pilots and military servicemen, restrict this kind of treatment

You only had minor changes in your vision for the past year.
Minor changes in eyesight is common. However, when your prescription undergoes extreme changes each year, you may be unsuitable for the surgery.

You don’t have chronic medical conditions.
Having medical conditions like autoimmune diseases (lupus), immunodeficiency states (HIV), and diabetes can prevent proper healing after the LASIK surgery. In most cases, consuming medications like steroids can also hinder a full recovery.

You don’t participate in contact sports.
Contact sports like boxing, martial arts, and wrestling increase the possibility of LASIK flap dislocation if there is significant trauma to the eye. Thus, if you engage in any of these aforementioned sports, you may not be an ideal candidate for LASIK surgery.

Lasik Helps the King of the Wire Perform Better

Nik Wallenda, better known as “The King of the Wire,” is a record-holding tightrope walker. His tightrope hit list, which includes the Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon, has left everyone in awe and amazement.

None of Wallenda’s achievements, however, would have been possible without one of the key aspects in tightrope walking: balance. As balance can only be maintained or achieved by the sensorimotor control systems, which includes sight, touch, and motion, the absence of one will apparently keep the body from harmonizing with the mind. This is why Wallenda recently underwent Lasik surgery.

Lasik is usually performed on individuals wearing glasses or contact lenses. It corrects problems like nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism.

In the case of Wallenda, Lasik was the best option, especially after his contact lens problem impeded his vision. Not only is the procedure safe but also highly effective. It enables clear vision immediately or a day after the surgery, which is an advantage for this daredevil to allow him to do what he does best. Moreover, the procedure only takes a few minutes and does not require bandages or stitches.

If you’re ready to undergo Lasik surgery in Durham NC, remember to consult a trusted surgeon. He’ll make you go through a complete eye examination to make sure your eyes are healthy enough for the procedure.

Undergoing LASIK in Durham, NC Allows You to Live a Lens-Free Life

“If you want to experience a lens-free life, all you have to do is visit an ophthalmologist that offers LASIK in Durham NC. Make sure that the doctor is board-certified with enough credentials so you can freely discuss your options.

One important benefit that you can also get from the surgery is the cost involved. There’s no question that you can spend much on contacts, solutions or glasses. On the other hand, undergoing a one-time professional LASIK surgery in Durham NC will eliminate the need to replenish optical supplies that can cost you a thousand dollars annually. Even if the procedure is a major financial investment, it can save you more money in the long run.”