Tag Archives: durham eye doctor

Why LASIK Surgery is a Good Long-Term Investment

Whether it is due to age, a hereditary disposition, or other circumstances, a person’s eyes can sometimes be compromised, affecting his vision. In the past, the common solution was using corrective or permanent glasses or using prescription contact lenses.

Fortunately, LASIK surgery has become available to people who nearsighted or farsighted, or are suffering from astigmatism. While not a new procedure, people still assume that LASIK surgery is very expensive. While not cheap either, the upfront investment for the procedure does pay off in the succeeding years, as the patient will experience the benefits of the surgery for years to come. These include:

  • The elimination of the long term costs of corrective eyewear. Thanks to the effectiveness of LASIK surgery, individuals who used to wear corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses no longer need to invest in glasses, disposable lenses, and cleaning and eye solutions.

  • Because there’s no need for corrective eyewear, there’s also no need to go through the inconvenience of wearing glasses and alternatively applying contact lenses when one wants to read, watch TV, play sports, or do just about any activity apart from sleeping.

  • LASIK surgery is a quick, non-invasive process, one that commonly generates very minimal pain. Vision is often immediately better a few weeks after the procedure, with minimal recovery time needed, and with no need to use bandages or stitches.

Facts to Know from Your Eye Doctor in Durham, NC: About Astigmatism


Oftentimes, astigmatism is accompanied by various other vision problems, nearsightedness or farsightedness among them. What separates them though, is that the former is typically exhibited early in life through symptoms like eye strain, headaches, and the need to constantly squint. This problem can lead children to a difficult time at school.


Since it could show up in childhood, many experts purport that astigmatism just might be hereditary, where children inherit the refractive problems in their parents’ vision. Another known cause is injury or disease that happened to permanently damage the victim’s cornea function. The disease in this case is called keratoconus, since it makes the cornea thinner and more cone-shaped.

How To Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome

According to a survey by enterprise mobility company Good Technology, most American employees render an hour of overtime per day, totaling to an extra whole day of work every week. It seems that the fear of losing one’s job in this tepid economy makes laborers work harder than ever. With longer working days, people are more prone to stare into their computer screens. This means more work for the eyes because text on a computer screen is not as sharp as those on a printed page. Screen glare and reflection also hamper proper viewing.

This eye discomfort suffered by those who sit in front of a computer day in and day out is known as the “Computer Vision Syndrome”. Some of its symptoms include eyestrain, blurred vision, dry eyes and headaches.

To avoid this, people can adjust their computer screens about 4 to 5 inches below eye level, thus limiting the cornea’s exposure to the screen. Sitting 18-24 inches away from a computer can also reduce eye strain, as does taking a quick break every 15 minutes or whenever the eyes feel tired. Of course, regular check-ups with an eye doctor is important to ensure healthy eyes that will perform well even on the longest work days.